Okay… tl dr but hope that helped in the end! And like I said - the best “brush advice” I can give is to be proactive. Sandara’s Brushes - Another highly recommended set for beginners. To make up for it here’s some information and a list of great free brush sets that I may not necessarily use anymore, but I know I downloaded at some point (keep in mind I use Adobe Photoshop and all info following pertains to that program only): OH MY GOD sorry for the longest and ultimately most unhelpful post ever.

And even then, not sure the original makers would appreciate me redistributing. You’ll say I could just credit, which I’d love to do, but the thing is I’ve tested so many brushes and combined so many sets that I don’t remember who made what anymore. It’s like that unspoken rule amongst online stock artists - free to use in your art, but don’t claim as your own. I would feel bad about uploading my brushes because they aren’t “my” brushes. This presents a couple of problems in terms of sharing. I cycle through many brush sets, delete the ones I don’t like, and what I end up keeping comprises my current “brush set.” As in, aside from fiddling with program defaults I hardly ever make my own brushes - I trawl the internet for free (or if warranted, paid) Photoshop brushes that other hardworking creatives make available. (That’s totally silly, especially as I believe that the idea that specific brushes would make your art any better is… highly questionable at best.) It’s because the brushes I use aren’t mine to redistribute.

Arghh I really hope that’s not what anyone actually thinks… I get the “BRUSHES?” question almost every single day without fail, but the reason I have a hard time answering isn’t because I’m trying to ~protect my secrets~ or anything.