However, if you're concerned at compatibility, just download version 1.1.2. All three versions should work on the newest version of Chimera. As of May 11, 2014, this are three different versions of this file: version 1.1.1, 1.1.2, and 1.1.3. FileNVRAM.dylib: This is a code library that Chimera will use to pretend that your Hackintosh is a real Mac, thereby circumventing iMessage's authorization requirements.

Chimera is installed on your Hackintosh by default when you install UserDSDT or Easybeast in Multibeast.

This will allow your Hackintosh to emulate a real Mac, thereby circumventing the authorization problems that Hackintoshes have been experiencing with iMessage. In this guide, you will install the newest version of Chimera bootloader, as well as an extra DYLIB file to your bootloader's configuration folder. However, if you want a slightly simpler fix, you're in luck: we can now fix the problem using Chimera bootloader instead. For the past few weeks, Hackintoshes have been unable to log into the Messages app (better known as "iMessage") on OS X Mountain Lion. Last week, we showed you how to fix these problems with Clover bootloader, an alternative to the more popular Chameleon and Chimera bootloaders for Hackintoshes.